Obscura Photog

Welcome to my blog. I post recent pictures for people to look at and discuss and critique. I will also post links to interesting photography, web sites, photo tutorial sites, design sites, and other blogs that I keep up with. There are alot of interesting and accessible sites out there. I'm also looking into developing more web hosting opportunities and announcements of interesting art installations, gallery shows, and whatever might be of interest here in New York City and/or around the globe. Thanks for checking things out and please feel free to comment, critique, make suggestions, or plug your own blog. All the best!


Theodore's Part Dos


We visit my wife's cousin and his family up in Springfield, Massachussetts when we got to get away from the city. He runs an awesome bar, which doesn't hurt. It's called Theodore's, it's in downtown. Go to it should you be in the area. Here are some shots I snapped last time we were there enjoying some bar-b-cue.